Monday, September 1, 2008

Site Visit

Tree planted along north edge of the field is found in average health. Tree was small to begin with.

Height is 20 cm.

GPS fix at 1.3 m. above ground.

Lat/Long: +45° 6' 59.40", -75° 39' 12.7"

When plotted on Google maps or Google earth it plots on the field north of the actual site. I suspect the error originates in the GPS receiver.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Tree Label

To identify which tree is which, I decided to use an aluminum cat food can lid and punch in the tree code and tie it to the base of the trunk for now with wire. When the tree is substantial enough I will fasten it into the trunk at BH or breast height which is 4.5 feet above ground standing up hill or around 1.5 metres. Aluminum is a preferred metal for labels since it doesn't rust and will probably last a good 30 years.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Planted the tree

The tree was planted today and a cardboard mat was placed around it.